
Data Extraction Tool for Mac

SpyLab presents a new perspective on quick and easy extraction of contact information from any resource.

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Available at the App Store. Requires Mac OS X 10.10+

We have all been there


E-mail addresses

You have e-mail addresses literally everywhere but how can you extract them all?


Phone numbers

You have an extensive text with many phone numbers but how can you collect it quickly?


Web site links

And when it comes to gathering web links form texts it is always time-consuming.

Grease the wheels

Are you a marketer, data analyst, working at sales or any other position where contact information is essential? Meet SpyLab and extract the information needed right away.



SpyLab is a unique data extracting tool that gives you the power to gain e-mail addresses, phone numbers and web links from different sources. SpyLab supports myriads of formats


like PDF, Microsoft Office, iWorks and many others. See all supported formats here. SpyLab makes it simple to gather all the information quickly in only a few steps.


Extract data in three steps

Let's take a look at how to use SpyLab.


Choose the source where you would like to extract your data from:

  • paste text from clipboard,
  • select files or folders,
  • paste web site links.


Trigger the extraction by clicking on the action button:

  • extract e-mail addresses,
  • extract phone numbers,
  • extract web links.


Work with the extracted information:

  • export to Excel or CSV,
  • compose a new e-mail from selected addresses,
  • open the link in a browser.

Supported file formats

SpyLab supports myriads of formats like PDF, Microsoft Office, iWorks and many others. See all the supported in the table below.

HyperText Markup Language (HTML, web pages) check-icon XML and derived formats check-icon Microsoft Office document formats check-icon
OpenDocument Format check-icon iWorks document formats (Numbers, Pages, Keynote) check-icon Portable Document Format (pdf) check-icon
HyperText Markup Language (HTML, web pages) check-icon XML and derived formats check-icon Microsoft Office document formats check-icon
Electronic Publication Format (epub) check-icon Rich Text Format check-icon Compression formats (Tar, RAR, AR, CPIO, Zip, 7Zip, Gzip, BZip2, XZ, jar and Pack200) check-icon
Text formats check-icon Feed and Syndication formats (RSS, IPTC ANPA News Wire) check-icon Help formats check-icon
Audio formats (searches in meta information) check-icon Image formats (searches in meta information) check-icon Video formats (searches in meta information) check-icon
Java class files and archives (zip, jar, rar) check-icon Source code check-icon Mail formats (Mbox, RFC 822, exports, MS PST, MS MSG, MS TNEF) check-icon
CAD formats (DWG CAD) check-icon Font formats check-icon Scientific formats (DIF, GDAL, Geo, Grib, HDF, ISA, NetCDF, Matlab) check-icon
Executable programs and libraries (metadata information from Windows Executables and Linux / BSD) check-icon Crypto formats (PKCS7) check-icon Database formats check-icon

Download SpyLab

See the pricing table bellow and get SpyLab on the App Store.

ordinary price
initial price
57 out of 100
still available for the intial price.
Get SpyLab now
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Say hello


Hey, I'm Ondrej Kvasnovsky, California based IT engineer and software developer & designer. I'm an author of two books dedicated to Vaadin - Vaadin 7 Cookbook and Vaadin on Grails. May you like my other projects, feel free to visit the TextLab web site or the GroovyPoint web site. I'm a programmer, but still quite social. You can meet me on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin. I'm looking forward to your messages.
